CORA has various plans to expand its services to the target beneficiaries in Tamilnadu state in various states as and when the fund position favours the organisation. through following programs and projects
- Setting Up of IDS Orphan Children Care Program in fifteen districts to cater to two districts in Tamilnadu State.
- Promoting Income Generation Business Enterprises to generate Income for self sustainability in the long run to carry out the existing and proposed projects.
- Setting Up of Hospice Care Program for (PLWHA ) People Living With HIV/AIDS in six districts of Tamilnadu .Each Hospice Care Program to cater to Infected People with HIV/AIDS of five districts.
- Conducting INTEGRATED HIV/AIDS INTERVENTION PREVENTION & CONTROL PROGRAM for the following target participants in the age group of 15-35 especially in districts of Tamilnadu and if fund position favors the organisation it would be carried out in all southern states of Tamilnadu
- Setting up of OLD AGE HOME in each district to provide care and support for those aged people who are neglected and abandoned by their own children. This is proposed to be initiated in ten districts of Tamilnadu.
- Initiating a EDUCATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM for all the Poorest of the Poor Children all over Tamilnadu. If this program is successful then it is to be propped to be implemented in all southern states of Tamilnadu.
- Establishment of Rural Hospice Care Program for a population of thirty thousand and more where is no facility for treatment for minor and major ailments all over Tamilnadu and especially in the Hill and Remote areas of the state.
- Awareness Program on Environment Protection and Plantation of Trees, development of plant nurseries and promoting Herbal Farming and educating people on the importance Herbal Medicine in all districts of Tamilnadu.
- Create Awareness of Importance use and cure of Indian Native Medicine.
- Formation of Self Help Groups only in areas where groups are not formed and create income generation opportunities to make the members self reliant.
- Setting up of Educational Institutions to provide quality value based education at minimum affordable cost or free of cost especially to the poorest of the poor with good academic track.
- Setting up of Mobile Dispensary Units where is no facility for treatment for minor all over Tamilnadu and especially in the Hill and Remote areas of the state.
- Setting up of a School for Social work to train students who wish to make their career in social work by awarding diplomas and post graduate diplomas.
- Distribution of Dry Ration to Poor Destitute aged and Disadvantaged section of the community and especially during crisis.